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Trading on FuturX Testnet and Secure up to $100,000 Trading Vouchers Now


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Get ready to elevate your trading experience with FuturX! We are thrilled to announce our exclusive trading incentive event on the FuturX testnet platform. From August 7th to August 20th, traders like you have the unique opportunity to showcase your skills, compete with peers, and win incredible rewards. With up to $100,000 in trading vouchers waiting to be claimed, this is your chance to trade more and win big. Dive into the exciting world of decentralized futures trading, adhere to fair play, and take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity. Read on to discover the rules and how you can participate. Your future in trading starts here with FuturX!


Leaderboard Criteria:

  • Trading activities will only be recognized between August 7th and August 20th.
  • Rankings are determined by the return on investment (ROI) from trades made on the FuturX testnet.

Reward System:

  • Rewards will be granted as trading vouchers.
  • Trading vouchers can be applied as discounts on trading margins.
  • The usage of trading vouchers must adhere to the standard trading voucher rules. This includes potential expiration dates and single-use restrictions.
  • Prizes will be distributed to winners within 14 days after the conclusion of the tournament.

Fair Play

  • Any attempts at manipulation, such as creating multiple accounts or colluding, will lead to disqualification.
  • Participants are expected to comply with FuturX's terms of service and community guidelines.

Adjustments and Disputes:

  • FuturX reserves the right to modify tournament rules or end the tournament prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • In any dispute, the decision made by the FuturX team will be final.
  • Participants can communicate concerns or queries via official FuturX support channels.

Trading now: http://futurx.com/leaderboard


1. What is the FuturX Testnet Trading Leaderboard?

The FuturX Testnet Trading Leaderboard is a competitive platform where traders can showcase their skills. Participants are ranked based on their return on investment (ROI) from trades made on the FuturX testnet during the competition period.

2. How is my ranking determined on the leaderboard?

Your ranking is primarily determined by your ROI from trades made on the FuturX testnet. The higher your ROI, the higher your position on the leaderboard.

3. How often is the leaderboard updated?

The leaderboard is updated in real-time. However, there might be occasional delays or inaccuracies in the Profit & Loss (PnL) calculations. If you notice any discrepancies, please report them.

4. When will I receive my rewards if I rank in the top 20?

Winners will receive their rewards in the form of trading vouchers within 14 days after the conclusion of the competition.

5. Can I use my trading voucher immediately after receiving it?

You will receive your trading voucher within 14 days after the competition concludes. However, note that the voucher can only be used once the mainnet is released.

6. Are there any other ways to earn rewards besides achieving a top rank on the leaderboard?

Absolutely! Apart from the leaderboard rewards, users can join our social media events for additional opportunities to earn.

7. What happens if two traders have the same ROI?

In the event of a tie, the trader who reached that ROI first will be ranked higher on the leaderboard.

8. I have more questions about the leaderboard and the competition. How can I get assistance?

For any further queries or assistance, please reach out to our official support channels. For instant answers, join our Discord or Telegram community where our team and community members are actively engaging and assisting.

9. How do I join the FuturX trading leaderboard?

Joining the FuturX trading leaderboard is a simple process:

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Begin by connecting your cryptocurrency wallet to the FuturX platform.
  2. Switch to Arbitrum Goerli: Ensure your wallet network is set to Goerli Arbitrum.
  3. Claim AGOR: Once on the Arbitrum Goerli network, claim the AGOR (Arbitum Goerli ETH) token provided by testnet faucets.
  4. Receive Test Tokens: Along with ARGOR, you'll be provided with test tokens, totaling a value of $5,000 across all tokens.
  5. Start Trading: Now you're all set! Begin your trading activities and see your performance reflected on the leaderboard.






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